Image Credits: 'Windy Winter' - A creation from Sparsha by Radhika


Discover Stunning Paintings for Sale in Bengaluru – How You Can Transform Your Spaces, with our Customized Abstract Paintings for Homes in Bengaluru 

I paint to energize people’s spaces. I feel abstract paintings have the ability to improve one’s ambience and help one understand what one wants. To take from a piece of art that is non-figurative and has no objective interpretation or meaning to it, could be profound. Why did I start doing what I do? Well, it was out of functionality that I started painting.

Where I found there was a way to express something deeper than I could in words, I would paint abstract paintings. When I felt there was something deeper than emotions, deeper than that which is revealed, I would make abstract paintings and so, as abstract paintings to me, served that function of expression, I started taking to abstract painting big time from a very young age.

There can be multiple ways to express why one may need to find a purpose deeper than what is in one’s tangible capacities. Whether it be abstract paintings for homes, corporate office paintings or canvas paintings of any kind, conveys and helps us feel something.

In many ways I feel my purpose found me.

Image Credits: An close-up image from ‘Fog : Dhuaa ki Dhadkan’– A creation from Sparsha by Radhika


Why purpose and practice matter?

The force above chose me as a tool to do what I can do. As artists, there comes a point where we realize that what we are doing is not something that is a conscious construct, but a given from the force beyond which is choosing us as mere tools to just execute a purpose in this world through this lifetime. Many a time when I am paintings my abstract paintings for canvas paintings in Bengaluru for home decoration paintings / paintings for homes / corporate office paintings, I realize that the execution sometimes came from nowhere.

The idea to paint a certain way with a certain colour combination came from nowhere for example. So, therefore one does ascribe different labels to it such as subconscious doing or unconscious happy accidents but the truth to me as an artist is that there can be no independent mindset without a force beyond determining something to create that magic. Abstract paintings in art galleries in Bengaluru or anywhere else usually make us feel like there is always a solo sensibility in a solo show of an artist. Well, the reality in essence is probably that the artist of course has his or her own sensibility in that running theme and nature of work in a solo show at ana art gallery in Bengaluru or anywhere else for that matter, but each artwork was created for a purpose, or if not premeditated, finds its purpose later on in its lifetime.

At the core, what we see in shows say in art galleries in Bengaluru as artists in Bengaluru put out their work with so much variety and abandon, one cannot help but notice that there is going to be a disparity in the perception of contexts and content. Even if artists have attained mastery over skill with practice over time and experience. Artists in Bengaluru sure exhibit a wide array of work amongst a plethora of many other types of works they may be doing even outside their solo shows, but the most important question that keeps them motivated to do what they are doing is why they do what they do and why does it matter?

Why does what we do matter?

Why does it matter that as an artist in Bengaluru I exhibit my abstract paintings in art galleries in Bengaluru? Why does it matter that I paint abstract paintings in the first place? And consequentially, why does it matter that I paint abstract paintings on canvas as canvas paintings for sale? Why do I need to make abstract paintings for home decor or abstract paintings for home? Or for that matter even abstract paintings as corporate office paintings?

All of this need not primarily matter to anyone else. It needs to be prioritized and matter to us first as the artists of our paintings. As the creators of our creations. Once we have the answers to why we do what we do and why it matters to us, it will be easier to find why it should matter to someone else who will potentially see abstract paintings at an art gallery in Bengaluru and pick up the sensibility of artists in Bengaluru and buy abstract paintings for their homes or corporate office paintings in Bengaluru or for that matter anywhere else even globally. This works the same everywhere for every artist.

Once we as artists know why we are artists and why our paintings matter, it becomes very powerful for us as Creators to stick to that niche of abstract paintings as conceptual paintings for home decoration paintings or abstract paintings for homes in Bengaluru for example or corporate office paintings alone and that is also what Clients buy end of the day. The sensibility and specialization or expertise. This is often what elevates the narratives that we see of even curated shows in art galleries in Bengaluru or artists in Bengaluru. Whether its abstract paintings in art galleries, or any kind of canvas paintings for sale, or sculptures or prints and so on.

The realization of what one needs to do in order to consume oneself further in why one does it become exceedingly important when the love and passion to do what one loves, is there but the reason as to why abstract paintings for sale or why abstract paintings for homes in Bengaluru or why corporate office paintings Bengaluru, is hiding or gets a way to go missing. The fun is in bringing the reason back or finding. Away to chase it and reveal it from hiding inevitably upon reflecting, growing and evolving.

Image Credits: An image of ‘Precious Ethnicity’ – A creation from Sparsha by Radhika


Why are evolution and reflection important in art making? 

Let’s look at a few points…

  1. Let us take a case of when we go see a group show at an art gallery in Bengaluru and we see many artists in Bengaluru who have exhibited their abstract paintings for sale there. All paintings that can be paintings for homes, or home decoration and corporate office paintings, we think what is different and why we should pick it up or not. Some may be may just have a look and let it go by. The essential nature of art, good art is to pull you in, with appeal, with wonder, with intrigue, with curiosity and with reflection.
  2. When this pull happens is when one feels that resonance, when one feels that the abstract paintings / canvas paintings are rather immersive and the people are taken into an experience of making the painting a memorable part of their day and if they love it so much, a part of their spaces when they get taken in.
  3. Why does this happen? Well, there can be possibilities that the abstract paintings in the art gallery have evident mastery, evident skill, and unmatched energy. Alternatively, it could also be because paintings for homes in Bengaluru are of so many kinds all different and similar at the same time – trying to stand out but fit in – that one finds something unique and wants to pick up a particular artist in Bengaluru to energize a space for themselves. Fundamentally, paintings for homes in Bengaluru or anywhere where home is, is a very personal and highly emotional choice. It is based on multiple factors apart from just the tangibles of oh it is from an art gallery in Bengaluru or it’s an abstract painting from one of the art galleries that is up there, or it is a canvas painting which is of a certain kind in quality alone. Art goes beyond these measures of tangible criteria.
  4. It becomes mainly about the intangibles when one likes an abstract a painting in art gallery. It is about the energy that the painting creates, the way the colors and textures make you feel, in some cases such as Picasso’s Guernica or Rothko’s Seagram Murals, the size and sheer immersive nature of it takes on into a different and a spiritual realm respectively. A meditative painting or a painful painting or a accomplished painting or a painting of loss, they are all emotive aspects that come in facets for one to reflect on an evolve with whether abstract paintings on canvas as canvas paintings, or abstract paintings for sale at art galleries in Bengaluru or abstract paintings for home sin Bengaluru or corporate office paintings.


Why value and vision matter in art?

The crux of a client picking up a work of art lies in the value that they find and see in the particular work of art be it everything including the way they feel about the abstract paintings in an art gallery or the investment they make at the art gallery for the canvas paintings in Bengaluru. Whether it be abstract paintings for home sin Bengaluru or corporate office paintings, one needs to be aware of artists in Bengaluru what they’re trying to say as Creators and the buyers in Bengaluru, what they are seeking for their spaces.

The value that the artists in Bengaluru or Buyers find for that matter anywhere is based a lot on the present work of the artist but also what the artist has created as a body of work in the past and his or her vision for the future. As artists, where do we see our abstract paintings or canvas paintings in Bengaluru going, beyond homes, corporate offices, or art galleries in Bengaluru? It becomes very important to have a vision for the abstract paintings also, so that we as artists in Bengaluru also know how to present our abstract paintings in art galleries in Bengaluru when we have shows, and at the same time can also make sales as far as abstract paintings for homes in Bengaluru are concerned or even corporate office paintings in that regard.

There is also another intertwining thread between value and vision. What is the part of the vision that is significant in the value found and what is the value that is found in the vision? To put it another way, how is the vision for your abstract paintings part of the value one is finding in the abstract paintings today and what is the value one is finding the abstract paintings’ vision for the future? Here there is also not to forget, the aspect of the present being monumental in both. In increasing value work by work for. A customer and dreaming bigger to increase the level of the vision even beyond perceived mastery at every point in order to consistently grow and keep getting better with time and experience unhindered or uninterrupted.

Image Credits: ‘Samudra’ – A creation from Sparsha by Radhika


Is there a lifetime for art and what does love for art mean?

Art can live or lifetimes and some have their own lifetimes too before which they can be restored and come out of the labs looking new. Loving to create art is one thing and loving to buy and have art is totally another.

Creator and Collector.

When it comes to a lifetime of falling in love with abstract paintings or art in general, art collectors and art enthusiasts are the target audience(s) for us as artists in Bengaluru or globally too. This is because most of the avid art collectors are either a few generations in, to art collecting or are enthusiastically nurturing a first-generation collection for their coming generations to take forward from history and the present which in the future will become history.

The reason to make art count lies in the deeper parts of our perception and feeling. In the beauty of the eternal nature of a painting that dies not fade until you want it to and one that remains evolving until you want it to. Whether it is one viewing abstract paintings in an art gallery, in its confines, or abstract paintings in homes, in one’s own space, or corporate office paintings at work, the feeling may not change or may change or may turn or may stay the absolute same. It is all a game of perception – of context in relation to content, of situation in relation to the concept, in feeling related to colour or texture or simply put visual language.

It is all in the eyes of the beholder as is said about beauty. Art galleries in Bengaluru offer an absolutely wonderful spectrum of diverse works whether it be abstract paintings for sale in Bengaluru, or landscapes, or portraits, or sculptures, installations, printmaking or even ceramic works for that matter, there is wide scope for artist in Bengaluru to explore, experiment and offer experiences to cherish and remember for the viewers.

Why artistic purpose is needed and what it can do?

Artistic purpose comes with many polarizing views as many artists in Bengaluru and otherwise believe that art need not necessarily have. A purpose while making or while selling. There can be multiple ways to convey that one has a particular way of looking at things as far as lens, sensibility and maybe even a creative or ideology otherwise are conveyed through art as a stand or tool of expression. But, whether through abstract paintings for sale, abstract paintings for homes or corporate office paintings and canvas paintings of sorts, one can make one’s work more powerful if one realizes the reason to create paintings while creating them.

A case study could simply be Picasso’s ‘Guernica’. What is it that we see in it?

In ‘Guernica’, we of course see pain, sadness, sorrow, loss, destruction, agony, suffering, grief and so much more. But what was the reason Picasso painted it? It was because he felt so deeply moved and impacted and pained buy the bombing of a town Guernica in his country that he had to take a stand and express the dark time that a meagre town and innocent people and all life there, was put through. It was as a strong, impactful, influential message to not destroy and destruct innocent people’s lives.

Image Credits:

‘Guernica’ – A painting by Pablo Picasso

Now, here the content is clear upon seeing the painting, but the context, does it not make a world of a difference when we understand why the artist did what he did? That is the point here we are trying to make whether in abstract paintings for homes or abstract paintings for corporate office paintings or canvas paintings in Bengaluru in general and abstract paintings in art galleries that we see all over the world, artistic purpose makes a huge difference that is pretty indescribable in words. It can surely only be experienced and resonated with, to feel and make an experience memorable enough to be moved and involved with a painting.

About Sparsha By Radhika

Exploring possibilities through a variety of these artistic doors, at Sparsha by Radhika, we explore possibilities with concept and feeling to embed memorable experiences for our clients’ spaces to be energized in the most effective and special ways with our abstract paintings in Bengaluru. We work Pan India and Abroad.

Get in touch with Radhika to get going with your very own abstract painting!

Radhika is an abstract artist creating abstract paintings based in Bengaluru, servicing abstract art requirements for HNI homes and Commercial Spaces.

Check out her abstract paintings here.












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