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Image Credits: 'Blue Bliss' - A creation from Sparsha by Radhika


Discover Stunning Paintings for Sale in Bengaluru – How You Can Transform Your Spaces, With Our Customized Abstract Paintings for Homes in Bengaluru 


The indents of the industry are all not always leaning towards certainty for we do understand the uncertainties of the art world. There is no regularity or uniformity to the way two artists work. Each to their own, everything right from starting an art piece to concept to ideation to execution, post production, exhibition and impact, it all varies and beautifully so. Whether it is art galleries in Bengaluru or artist in Bengaluru who make paintings for homes in Bengaluru or corporate office paintings in Bengaluru, abstract paintings always have their own journeys and character to build into and evolve.

The creative process too varies just like each person is different. There isn’t much doubt in the fact that ambiguity is a given to the onlooker or outsider who becomes a viewer to experience the work post its creation. But does the creative process really end with just the completion of the Creation itself? Well, let’s find out as we traverse the intricacies of how the creative process works and see what matters more than maybe what doesn’t. There are multiple perspectives and lenses with which we could seep through to the essence of what lies beneath tangible and visible layers that lie on the surface for us as viewers to see and experience.

Whether it be paintings for our homes or corporate office paintings, it all boils down to the feeling thereby showcased and conveyed. Feeling goes beyond just the seen, into aspects of empathy, relatability or the fact of previous experiences if any in terms of memory, nostalgia, impact or in the past, to also see for ourselves, the future. Paintings for sale in Bengaluru for example showcase various themes such as Bengaluru’s culture, south Indian festivities, the world of the west and pop, graffiti, religious folklore paintings an traditional styles of paintings as well as so much more.

Why the interpretations of a Creative Process matter? 

There can be added layers to interpretation always, as what the artist offers is just one lens that the work was created with, for context to the content thereby. But, this often has negligible implication to what could lie beyond the boundaries of the then visible or then tangible. What the unseen and intangible hold, then can be inclusive of the definition of feeling. It is an all-encompassing oeuvre of the artist that forms an image in the public eye to consequentially form legacies, immortal memory and never ending inspiration in order to be recorded and remembered across time and generations. This deeply also stems from the relevance of what is being said through the art works or how the works are created too, to fit the context to the content in order to stay more relevant for longer periods of time more effectively.

There is no definitive way to find a balance to what works and what doesn’t but there are definitely conscious methods through which one could easily process and interpret objective themes and concepts in creations that first have figurability to it in order to make something of it and it can be easily made up into something that can be relevant for a larger range of audience to view and experience. For example paintings for home in Bengaluru or abstract paintings for sale in Bengaluru do find a widespread taste in attracting audiences with their realistic aspects but the abstract aspects are still of a niche market only. Artists in Bengaluru whether associated with abstract paintings in galleries or any art galleries in Bengaluru for that matter build a brand for themselves to see how the markets perform with abstract paintings as well as customised paintings for sale in that segment. There is also the gateway into the creative process starting out to be something effective and productive in order to be successful at least in achieving the vision that we as Creators set out to do. The evolving nature of the creative process we discover becomes a default one if we are oriented towards asking more questions and feel the need to be critical / curious about what we are doing and why we do what we do.

The process not only achieves balance thus but also finds the objective lines of a concept, idea or method to assess the process efficient to go ahead to approve off and clutch together the rest of the process of variant natures to be held effectively without anonymity or ambiguity. The creative process also has aspects that hold weightage when it comes to the viewers’ experience after the completion of the work in conventional. But in case of interactive installations or interactive paintings, the work itself is considered complete only post the participation of the audiences upon their viewership and impact of experience being directly demonstrated more actively as part of the work itself. Such as seen in some art galleries in Bengaluru, whether people are looking for abstract paintings for homes in Bengaluru or corporate office paintings in Bengaluru, there is always a sense of participation that the viewers and buyers all the more feel with the creation they most connect with.

‘Intersections’ – A creation from Sparsha by Radhika


How do the types of creative process influence other factors? 

There are multiple ramifications to cases like these too as there could be turbulent processes too with uncertainty, unpredictability and unusual natures compared to those usually seen on wider scales. These are not uncommon but at the same time it is important to keep in mind that there is always a level of uncertainty, unpredictability and room for evolving answers to curious questions as we go forward and assess the work as Creators on multiple parameters and ranging criteria. There can be no room without fear, doubt or critical questioning either to a successful creative process as the challenge is what facilitates growth and evolution as a Creator in our artistic journeys. As Artists in Bengaluru, when we look at art galleries in Bengaluru who focus mostly on paintings for home in Bengaluru, we get to see multiple creative processes under one roof itself to actually decipher and reach out for corporate office paintings or abstract paintings art galleries in general under one umbrella.

This growth is not spoken of only in certain aspects but also by involving various other facets of scattered nature that are maybe not as commonly or conventionally looked into as others may be. The fronts of upskilling, or lifelong learning as they say does come to us as artists in various ways through variant methods such as those of creative ideation, research and inspiration, reference and observation, courage and determination, risk and newness, freshness and innovation, technique and methodologies, interested and elimination, concept and execution, idea and its translation, impact and messaging as well as memorability and capability, to state a few aspects.

Abstract paintings for sale in Bengaluru whether customised paintings for sale in Bengaluru or not, whether associated with art galleries Bengaluru or not, or even paintings for home in Bengaluru, corporate office paintings or abstract paintings for sale in Bengaluru in general, we artists need to have our knowledge of the ,market intact and do our segment research in order to serve the requirements or build the requirements as needed in order to be able to be successful as artists in Bengaluru.

But are these aspects all in all, of course not! There are unlimited aspects to what a Creation can trigger but for us as Creators we try our level best to most suitably and effectively convey what we want to, with our works and maybe make our audience(s) ask themselves some questions or reflect son something that they had never thought about earlier. The breath of fresh air that people often talk about comes from the unconventional nature of a work that seems to be something new with some kind of appeal and innovative quotient in it that makes the viewers think about something differently than what they might have usually perceived it to be otherwise which is why there can be no fixed methodology thus. There are seldom seen some aspects of the industry that come to the limelight only when spoken about. This is exactly why even if we look at abstract paintings at art galleries in Bengaluru or art galleries in Bengaluru in general, there are scop for appeal to be a pull factor for audiences depending on the brand created by the art galleries in Bengaluru and the Artists in Bengaluru that they respectively represent or hold.

‘Vibrant Sun’ – A creation from Sparsha by Radhika


Do the peripheral aspects of the Creative process play a role in the Creation? 

Taking this thought forward, there are no peripheral vision occupants when it comes to art is what I feel personally, as there can be factors that matter even beyond boundaries for one to see, assess and engage with beyond one’s resources and circumstances sometimes. In fact most of the time impact and reception of works could be unfathomable and sometimes beyond what we perceive as Creators due to the creations causing a stir and responses being variant out of sheer context of the content being received by people from different walks of life. The takeaway is that the elements beyond the peripheries that we see on various aspects to calculate while making the decisions creatively are all weighed only with tangibles and the variables to fathomable scale but when a Creation becomes a blockbuster such that never expected, it becomes indeed one of the best feelings in the world. When people are looking to pick up abstract paintings for sale as in paintings for homes in Bengaluru or corporate office paintings, one would definitely lean towards and have a preference to get into the nuances of what the feeling will be like while the creation inhabits their spaces on a day to day consistent basis to evolve alongside.

What we see as calculated risks then become pathways to experimentation and magnanimity in terms of creative freedoms do come into play sometimes of the exploration is free flowing and bound by a certain sense of timelessness even within deadlines. Since creativity has no fixed ratios or systems in place due to flow being a state of affairs where when we as Creators do have the inspiration and when the idea hits, the experience of creating then totally hits home and flows through with authenticity and abundance if invested in with honesty and depth of newness. Why the depth and authenticity matter are because whatever said and done, one must not be complacent with the fact that just because a particular type of works work, we create the same kind to fit into that bracket of success. That in my eyes is not actual artistic integrity. Whether it is paintings for home in Bengaluru or corporate office paintings in Bengaluru, artistic integrity and authenticity is of paramount importance when it comes to buyers’ value as well.

The creative process gets fulfilled and done with commitment of an authentic level only when the genuine investment in the process is bringing with it a sense of newness, fresh perspective, innovation, depth in thought or process or both of course and a certain sensibility of the artist being tapped into and measured with depth too. The constants therefore remain more objective in terms of assessment and lens but the perspectives remain common and usual when in terms of variables being followed or not deterred at times. The audiences at the end of the day are we can say the body, if we can unite the plural as an entity, the body which assess what becomes sellable, non-sellable, appealing, unattractive, sensational, flop, blockbuster or a faux par. That is exactly why sensibility matters, a bridge to create impact and recall. Effective or not

One can also go through the back door and ask why does a sensibility matter to creative process? Can the process not be fulfilling as a creative even if is something that is common, done over and over again or a trend or something that is a widespread skill maybe also to a retronym effect or contemporary adaptation in various aspects? Well, yes, can be and may be also but cannot be always and need not necessarily nudge to push for a concrete conclusion in terms of whether there really should be a sensibility involved for fulfilment and so on. As artists in Bengaluru our sensibilities could vary depending on our tastes, preferences, experiences, exposure and though processes or simply the way we look at the world and that in turn at art galleries in Bengaluru in specific abstract paintings in art galleries in Bengaluru determines how the world looks at us then.

How a Creative process works as a confluence of thought…

However, why it does matter is, though Creator to Creator are different, what we see as a confluence of thought could itself be satisfying to then carry the process on, forward. And, there are many Creators who are fulfilled and satisfied doing what everyone is doing and what works in the market certainly and largely too. This is not to show any less of them. It is only to state that Creators’ satisfaction and choice of process and Creation is determined by what they feel fulfilled by, each to their own. What one finds appealing, another may not and what one finds boring another one may not.

This is what determines our tastes and preferences as Creators way before we look at the tastes and preferences of our audience(s). Especially when we look at the responses to solo art exhibitions or group art shows in art galleries in Bengaluru or even for abstract paintings in art galleries in Bengaluru, we realise that if we were the ones picking up the paintings for home in Bengaluru or corporate office paintings in Bengaluru for ourselves, we would be the ones wanting to know and be curious about the artists’ creative processes too. Which is why the tastes and preferences of the Buyer and Creator need to align or complement each other in order to yield the best creative process results for the best creative impact and memory as well as ling term investment value with a genuine authentic artistic sensibility that is masterful and unique and deep in character.

We as Creators most of the time do have the ability to outrun ourselves through ideation itself even before the thought translated into an artwork. A state of outdoing ourselves however is far from reach as we want to keep evolving, growing an getting better at every stage and age. What we also need to keep in mind is that whatever we see in a Creation is not always in fact never the entirety of what was in the Creator’s mind when he or she originally set out or initially set out to create the work. One needs to always be aware of the fact that there is no beginning and no end to the creative process of every single piece created as the carry forward of ideas learnings and reflections is ever continuing for us as artists. The beauty of the process is this undefinition when it comes to an explanation but a definite start and finish when it comes to decisions as to where and how to start and deciding how and where to end. Now this could be premeditated or spontaneous or anything in between.

‘Scorching Sun’ – A creation from Sparsha by Radhika


Ambiguity and Clarity in a Creative Process

The ambiguity we spoke of earlier in the same article is now about whether it is done in a spontaneous way or an actively premeditated manner. What one needs to always remember is that the dismembered nature of a process when we are sometimes stuck as to what to do further is the most challengingly satisfying path when we finally see and realise that this is what it is about indeed and not the superficial aspects of beauty or the notion of imagery playing games with our minds. As John Berger says in his book ‘Ways of Seeing’, “the learnt assumptions that affect people when an image is presented as an artwork are: Beauty, Truth, Genius, Civilization, Form, Status, Taste etc.” Whether it be paintings for homes in Bengaluru or corporate office paintings on Bengaluru, when we see the paintings for sale in Bengaluru, we come across an array of the tastes and preferences as criteria or parameters to assess what we feel or what the painting does for us or not necessarily.

This is not to mean that any others are aspects to neglect in tastes and preferences, rather they are, to reflect and learn from. There can be multiple aspects to assessing what a work’s  creative process might have been, so much so that sometimes the work itself is a process that people go into interactively and complete in order to create the work but even to that process there has been a creative process of conceptualising and preparing the act or the particular art piece in order to guide or shape the viewers’ experiences up to some extent. In the case of art whether realistic or abstract, there is always a subjective lens to understanding and perceiving art in an array of ways. What we see as something not thought of as much, or as something that might not significantly matter as much, could become the very meaning of the creation to a viewer tomorrow. One never really knows until the creation actually reaches the audience.

Abstract paintings for sale in Bengaluru as we see are of various kinds in terms of what we can make of it and that is why when we look at creative process even for two paintings by the same artist across the board, even galleries thereby establish brands through the conglomeration of artists they represent and collections of Creations they have from these Creators. The art galleries in Bengaluru and everywhere else by far set up their brand by marketing their artist group only, to see how the response is and in return what comes of the by-products of audience preferences and conversions for sales in terms of tangible business terms.

As artists in Bengaluru when we see our fellow mates creating works with paintings for sale in Bengaluru whether abstract paintings for sale or paintings or home in Bengaluru or corporate office paintings as the requirement may be, we certainly feel that art galleries in Bengaluru have an interesting brand making ability bit more importantly the core of it all whether we’re buyers or co-artists or colleagues or Creators, the artistic sensibility and creative process are what are bought end of the day. What we see as creative process is a normal process for a Creator and that cannot be denied as superior or inferior to other Creators on objective terms at all as we see it to be different paths and journeys held together by sensibility and integrity. There can be no doubt that the creative process for each Creator and Viewer is something very special and intimate. Something very close to the heart as it rests in feeling and resonance. Which is why the creative process reigns even superior to the painting as a final product in itself.

About Sparsha By Radhika

Exploring possibilities through a variety of these artistic doors, at Sparsha by Radhika, we explore possibilities with concept and feeling to embed memorable experiences for our clients’ spaces to be energized in the most effective and special ways with our abstract paintings in Bengaluru. We work Pan India and Abroad.

Get in touch with Radhika to get going with your very own abstract painting!

Radhika is an abstract artist creating abstract paintings based in Bengaluru, servicing abstract art requirements for HNI homes and Commercial Spaces.

Check out her abstract paintings here.

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