Abstract Paintings using Texture
- Dhamaka Collection
A Celebration of Culture
- This abstract painting done using small circles as dots, is a colourful, soulful nature of our Indian Culture is very inspiring. The festivities, joy, ritual, custom, functions, reason and prayer. Integral to all of these are elements of nature susch as plants, flowers, colour and food, which are the colours and forms depicted here in this composition. The dots signify…
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- Jeevanam Collection
A Cool Planet
- Drawing inspiration off the waters of Antarctica, this abstract painting showcases the cold, icy, dark, still but powerful nature of the oceans, the ice, the temporal aspects and much more. The texture is done in a way in which the movemnt and dynamic in the painting are very internal and insular to within the boundaries of the work itself. This…
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- Yatra Collection
A Sea of Purple
- When we look into the sea or the sky, what we may choose to see is a sky full of possibilities to explore potential or a sea filled with risk and mayhem. Shouldn’t the way we live be regal, free and abundant? Well, the strokes in this abstract painting, depict gushing, royal waves of possibilities which inevitably exist in our…
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- Praarambham Collection
A Sunrise
- The wonderful skies that we all see at sunrise and the transcending nature of the day into dusk... A horizon sharp but vast and profound in scale and distance on a mountain summit, with the specs of nature's glory and power all encomapasing... CREATION TAKEN Acrylic on Canvas 20 cm x 25 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Praarambham Collection
A Sunset
- The wonderful skies that we all see at sunset and the transcending nature of the day into dusk... A horizon sharp but vast and profound in scale and distance by the lovely ocean with the specs of nature's glory and power all encomapasing... CREATION TAKEN Acrylic on Canvas 20 cm x 25 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Jeevanam Collection
- The luscious, luxuriant thick textures of bark, a chipped nature, colour variations and a solid visual look to this abstract painting. The texture of bark simply being the inspiration to create something creamy looking as an adaptation in terms of soft power and defence. Acrylic on Canvas 30 cm x 40 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Jeevanam Collection
Black, White and Grey
- Is life really black or white? Well, it’s black, white and gray! A cover of intrinsic silence, mystery and patches of void. What we choose to look at is what we will see and how we will live. Acrylic on Canvas 60 cm x 90 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Panchabhutha Collection
Blue Bliss – Jal
- The waves of the ocean with their layers and colours, voluminousness and depth, darkness and light, shades, tints and tones, stun us endlessly with their display of movement, dynmaism and adaptability. CREATION TAKEN Acrylic on Canvas 60 cm x 75 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Dhamaka Collection
Brown Brick Daze
- This gradient with the earthen, brick colours of mud and soil in this abstract painting is based on how much Mother Earth offers us and we have homes, food and life because oif the earthen force. The ecosystems and life within these elements and aspects of ageing and existence for millions of years are inherent in character to the earthen…
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- Praarambham Collection
Cherry Blossoms
- The emergence of a wondrous baby pink on trees generates surprise and excitement. A feeling of bloom and blossom that translates in the energies around. Pleasant smiles, pleasant weather and pleasant miles, cherry blossoms are personified success. Why mold human beings when each one of us has the potential to fully blossom like these cherry blossoms? Acrylic on Canvas 90…
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- Jeevanam Collection
Chipped Union I
- Inspired by Arthashastra (3rd century BCE) - an account of economic policy and statecraft written by Chanakya - this abstract painting explores different facets of economy where each individual’s contribution matters. The progression from black to a bright tint of green, in abrupt segments of an organic gradient, portrays the character of the youthful to the evergreen - a nourished…
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- Jeevanam Collection
Chipped Union II
- Inspired by Arthashastra (3rd century BCE) - an account of economic policy and statecraft written by Chanakya - this abstract painting explores different facets of economy where each individual’s contribution matters. The progression from black to a bright tint of brown, in abrupt segments of an organic gradient, portrays the character of the concealed to the revealed - a void…
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- Praarambham Collection
Cold Feathers
- Inspired by bird feathers, this composition represents the delicate, sophisticated layers to life through both the blues of the skies whcih is their daily flying arena! Acrylic on Canvas 60 cm x 75 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Praarambham Collection
Daydream I
- This abstract painting based on a bark and leaf concept represents the seamless waves of the mind - in a state of daydream... CREATION TAKEN Oil on Canvas 60 cm x 75 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Praarambham Collection
Daydream III
- This abstract painting based on a bark and leaf concept represents the seamless waves of the mind - in a state of daydream... Oil on Canvas 60 cm x 75 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Dhamaka Collection
Disco Flow
- The colours of a disco ball and the lights at a disco pump in energy, a vibe to have fun and a casual, chilled out mood. As a creator, I see there being an inherent dynamism in the movement of the disco balls, lights and the dance that goes on which the dots in movement and colours used here are…
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- Panchabhutha Collection
Earth – Bhoomi
- We come from Earth, we go back to Earth. Our bodies and energies have an instrinsic connection to the Earth. The textural aspects of this customized painting speak of the brick, black soil, fertile land, laterite and sunshine! CREATION TAKEN Acrylic on Canvas 75 cm x 60 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Dhamaka Collection
Earthen Emergence
- We come from Earth and we go back to Earth. The emergence of resources and rooted nature of what we get and what we have or take from this planet is the symbolic texture here. The colours of black soil, laterite, brick red, sunlit yellow and more, in the abstract painting are all resemblent of the Earth and Sun. An…
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- Panchabhutha Collection
Earthen Eye – Bhoomi
- Earth - an ever-nurturing source of life; everything above and beyond; one of the five elements. This customized painting pays tribute to the rustic, enriched, powerful, abundant character of Earth. We rise from Earth, we go back to Earth - we are Earth. CREATION TAKEN Acrylic on Canvas 90 cm x 60 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Dhamaka Collection
Fire of Purpose
- The texture in this abstract painting is inspired by the particulated nature of fire when seen closer to the base of a burning fire near the fire wood. Where the fire burns dense and in a dust-like form with visible dots of variant degrees in oranges, yellows and reds variably. The fire of purpose - to acheive one's goals, to…
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- Jeevanam Collection
- The nourished, refreshing colors of flowers blossoming transforms energies to all be joyful, fragrant and positive! Operating using pink as the color of bloom, this canvas painting drives off the fact that we’re all flowers left to bloom on our own with our roots strong! Acrylic on Canvas 30 cm x 45 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Dhamaka Collection
Ghastly Green
- This abstract painting is about the greens. The greens after the monsoons look so natural, organic and flowy with a shoot in shrubs, undergrowth and thick, dense foliage, there can be no dispute that during the day it is a visual carnival. But, at night, when the moonlight sears through the canopy, the green is ghastly, leaving us aghast with…
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- Yatra Collection
Grains n Grains
- The intricate textures of the abstract painting itself herewith thin layers of pigment on it signify that eachgrain makes a difference! Metaphorically representing, each of us could make a difference through this abstract painting's simile! CREATION TAKEN Acrylic on Canvas 30 cm x 45 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Panchabhutha Collection
Hot Land – Bhoomi
- Inspired by the Ikat and Bandhini styles of handloom and blockprint from Gujarat, This abstract painting has the colours of the leaves of tress in the sunset time of the day. The greens at dusk. The circles denote the symmetric nature of the Earth and the leaves. There is also a cyclical movement along with the fiery colours in the…
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- Panchabhutha Collection
Icy Circles – Jal
- The cold icy temperatures of this abstract painting pay heed to the glaciers and icicles that are found in icy mountains and high altitudes. The snow clad peaks enveloped by clouds inspire the gradient in the background while the circles at the top are inspired by snowballs and hail. The visual weight is on top pretty much then distributed gradually…
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- Dhamaka Collection
Intersections I
- Though we are all individuals and have our own lives, in more ways than one, all life is connected. We meet so many people at so many junctures in life and it's a small, mysterious world to say the least. The mauve in this canvas painting depicts the mystery and complex layers of how so many aspects of life are…
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- Panchabhutha Collection
Kaya: The Body
- Our body constitutes of the five elements - Water, Fire, Earth, Space and Air. The customized painting accentuates qualities of keeping the five elements in harmony to establish balance and composure. CREATION TAKEN Oil and Acrylic on Canvas 90 cm x 90 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Jeevanam Collection
- Leaves! Evergreen energy, freshness, youthful, sunny, bright and optimistic - they engross one in their sheer nature and depth of how they can mirror life and death beautifully and gracefully with the swaying winds of time. Acrylic on Canvas 30 cm x 40 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Praarambham Collection
Leafy Tiled
- Acrylic on Canvas 30 cm x 30 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Dhamaka Collection
Let’s do it Together I
- When we come together as a collective people, there is a strength that we possess that becomes unbeatable and unshakeable over time. No obstacle can tear us apart and such is the symbolism behind this composition too. That no disability or disadvantage is actually limiting. The power is in unity and the power is in the oneness. We need to…
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- Dhamaka Collection
Let’s do it Together II
- When we stay united, we can acheive the unthinkable and succeed with a common vision and striving to acheive our best as a people. Like the evergreen stature of nature, we can use our youthful energies and stay spirited and energetic towards success and prosperity. CREATION TAKEN Acrylic on Canvas 20 cm x 25 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Dhamaka Collection
Lit in the Foliage
- While in the forests, a camp fire is something that provides the campers protection, warmth, light and courage. There is a world beyond the physical nature of the fire beneath the dark night skies. What we see is a spectacle of contrast when the foliage is lit by the rays and splinters of the fire in the night time -…
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- Devi Collection
Ma Tara: Of Mystery and Mist
- Of mystery, transitioning opaqueness becoming transparent with seeking, and an underlying undefeatable temperament of making us realise mortality to the face, but with absolute composure and compassion, an admirable, enlightening force of awareness and realisation of life and death in beauty and transience alike... Acrylic on Canvas 30 cm x 30 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Yatra Collection
Monochrome Magnificence
- CREATION TAKEN Acrylic on Canvas 75 cm x 60 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Praarambham Collection
Mysterious Feathers
- Inspired by bird feathers, this composition represents the intricate, mysterious, uncanny layers of life! Acrylic on Canvas 60 cm x 75 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Jeevanam Collection
Nature and Us
- This customized painting is based on the quote: "When you argue with reality, you lose - but only 100% of the time." - Byron Katie This painting encapsulates the (farce) nature of argument. The distance from reality is represented by the dried brown leaves, as they fade into the green leaves that stand for 'Reality. Leaves are used here, as…
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- Panchabhutha Collection
- The value that an oasis holds in a desert shows us the value one could hold in our lives! Just as an oasis is invaluable in a desert, so is our life to us. The blues in ultramarine and turquoise symbolise depth, light, fragility, layers, ecosystems of diversity and yet unified living through the resemblances in the painting. CREATION TAKEN …
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- Praarambham Collection
Ocean Blues I
- The gushing waves of ocean blues, overlapping, layered, chromatically varying in gradient and taking light variantly offer a whole new world with their visual and aural impact. CREATION TAKEN Acrylic on Canvas 30 cm x 45 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Praarambham Collection
Ocean Blues II
- The gushing waves of ocean blues, overlapping, layered, chromatically varying in gradient and taking light variantly offer a whole new world with their visual and aural impact. CREATION TAKEN Acrylic on Canvas 30 cm x 45 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Dhamaka Collection
Ocean of Opportunity
- This abstract painting with its minute, consistent textures depict the ripple like intricacy of waves when they hit the sands of the beach and recede. That is how opportunities are and it is resemblant of that. Some we miss, some we almost get and some we get and rock the ramp. That is why here that consistent nature of waves…
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- Panchabhutha Collection
Ocean of Rain – Jal
- THough we may feel sometimes that our contribution as individuals is just one person doing something, this painting transorms that thought with a metaphor. The Ocean can be converted to drops of water too. Just as the ocean is made of that many countless droplets of water, one's contribution is also such that if relavent and significant, it can become…
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- Dhamaka Collection
Orchestrated Ocean
- The rough texture in the abstract painting, of patches of the various tints of blue and green in the composition depict some rough waves of the ocean where the might and power, sheer depth and volume come to a majestic display for us to realise actually what these water bodies hold. The strokes and intricate contrasts created resemble the day…
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- Jeevanam Collection
Part I – Rise Gratefully
- When we take birth, we are like fresh leaves basking in the sun, rising to live a life worth remembering. We thereby rise, when we’re grateful. It is important that we live this life with gratitude in order to find our joy and health a constant! This abstract painting is inspired by the energy that fresh leaves pump into the…
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- Jeevanam Collection
Part II – Wither Gracefully
- When we live well, we prepare to die well. When life withers away, it is about time and space coming together with purpose. When we value life, death might just value us as it is extremely efficient. Just like the beautiful withering leaves during fall, could we too wither gracefully? This abstract painting is inspired by how the dried leaves…
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- Praarambham Collection
Pink Ranger
- How we keep our passion intact and carry our lives out with compassion is up to us! Acrylic on Canvas 30 cm x 30 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Jeevanam Collection
Precious Ethnicity
- The value of where we come from, the culture that is our reference to life, the thnicity which we feel belonging for are integral to the way we see and lead our lives. The composition depicts that our women in this nation are so independant and string that they do not need validation or strength from outside in order to…
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- Jeevanam Collection
Prejudice and Performance
- This canvas painting consists of a Paarijaatham Flower and some greens in the background. It represents sanctity, holiness, devotion, peace, speciality and a certain calm. There is a composure that we feel when we see these flowers which are usually plucked in bundles. They also possess great grace when they wither from their trees to the ground in the wind.…
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- Praarambham Collection
Purple Ranger
- How we keep our integrity intact and carry our lives out with dignity is up to us! Acrylic on Canvas 30 cm x 30 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Praarambham Collection
Royal Sunshine
- The Sun's energy makes us feel royal, brightening our day! With royal purple and a bright yellow! Acrylic on Canvas 60 cm x 75 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Jeevanam Collection
Royal Visibility
- When we walk through the dense undergrowth in a rain forest, we are always unsure of what is ahead due to lack of clarity and light. Here is an abstract painting constructed keeping that in mind with life challenges. When we create clarity for ourselves, we prepare and feel royally confident, ready to face and conquer! CREATION TAKEN Acrylic on…
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- Dhamaka Collection
Scorching Sun
- This abstract painting pays heed to the sheer capability and heat of the sun that is unreal for us to even imagine and fathom in its entirity. The intensity and dense patches of red are created to have that hot visual impact on the eye with that strong contrast with the bright lemon yellow in the background as a fiery…
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- Yatra Collection
Seasons: Autumn
- Dried and withered to embrace fresh beginnings… CREATION TAKEN Acrylic on Canvas 30 cm x 30 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Yatra Collection
Seasons: Monsoon
- Strong winds and water unleashing its fury from the skies… CREATION TAKEN Acrylic on Canvas 30 cm x 30 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Yatra Collection
Seasons: Spring
- Blossom and Cheer up! Life is beautiful! CREATION TAKEN Acrylic on Canvas 30 cm x 30 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Yatra Collection
Seasons: Winter
- Cold, cozy and curled up! CREATION TAKEN Acrylic on Canvas 30 cm x 30 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Praarambham Collection
Snowflake: A Celebration
- CREATION TAKEN Acrylic on Canvas 60 cm x 60 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Yatra Collection
Sunrise: Laya
- CREATION TAKEN Acrylic on Canvas 40 cm x 55 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Panchabhutha Collection
The Dance of Karikalan – Fire
- Credits for the Composition, and Title : Fully Filmy's 'Dance of Karikalan' Merchandise T Shirt Painting is based on that, from Pinniyin Selvan I and II. CREATION TAKEN Acrylic on Canvas 30 cm x 30 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Yatra Collection
Twilight at Kailash North Face – Kailash: Into the Unknown
- In one of the most desolate places on Earth, stands a sublime snow clad mountain of rock, Mt. Kailash. A site of dreams and wishes, Kailash is said to be the abode of the magical and inexplicable. This mountain stands majestically with its sparkling snow and robust rock. Seen as a space where the divine takes physical form, an eternal…
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- Dhamaka Collection
Vibrant Sun
- This composition depicts the brightness, light, energy and life that the sun brings to our days to make them alive and warm. The vibrance and positivity, undisputed singular reason for life, and the force around which the entire solar system revolves, the yellows and reds pay tribute to the might and grit. Acrylic on Canvas 30 cm x 45 cm…
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- Yatra Collection
Wash Series: Brown Wash
- The textures of the fall, the old, the withering and an end wash up the air for new beginnings! Acrylic on Canvas 30 cm x 30 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Yatra Collection
Wash Series: Green Wash
- The textures of growth, freshness, nourishment and health wash up the air with evergreen energy! Acrylic on Canvas 30 cm x 30 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Yatra Collection
Wash Series: Pink Wash
- The textures of blossoming fragrance, love and romance washes up the air in euphoria! Acrylic on Canvas 30 cm x 30 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Yatra Collection
Wash Series: Purple Wash
- The textures of aroma, royalty and balance washes up the air in harmony! Acrylic on Canvas 30 cm x 30 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Yatra Collection
Windier Winter
- Driven by the strong and freezing winds during the cold winters, this composition takes a dynamic twist of sorts with a combination of strong black, white and a gush of sky and glacial blues to project the speed and rustle of windy winters. Acrylic on Canvas 30 cm x 30 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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- Yatra Collection
Windy Winter
- Driven by the strong and freezing winds during the cold winters, this composition of strokes takes a textural twist of sorts with a combination of strong black, white and a gush of sky and glacial blues. Acrylic on Canvas 30 cm x 30 cm ENQUIRE NOW
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